Title | |
Associated Press Date Format | dates 2 |
CSS Colors | colorcsshtml 2 |
ISO 8601 Date Format | dates 5 |
Roman Numerals | numbers 2 |
Zip (aka Postal) Codes in the United States | postal codeunited statesus 2 |
[ { "featured": false, "handle": "ap-dates", "title": "Associated Press Date Format", "tags": [ "dates" ], "variations": [ { "title": "AP Date (standalone)", "regex": "^(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) \\d{1,2}, \\d{4}$", "inputs": [ "January 1, 2020", "February 29, 2020", "March 15, 2020", "April 30, 2020", "May 1, 2020", "June 15, 2020", "July 31, 2020", "August 1, 2020", "September 15, 2020", "October 31, 2020", "November 1, 2020", "December 15, 2020" ] }, { "title": "AP Date (inline)", "regex": "\\b(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) \\d{1,2}, \\d{4}\\b", "inputs": [ "My birthday is on January 1, 2020.", "I was born on February 29, 2020.", "The Ides of March is on March 15, 2020.", "April 30, 2020 is the last day of the month.", "May 1, 2020 is the first day of the month.", "June 15, 2020 is halfway through the month.", "July 31, 2020 is the last day of the month.", "August 1, 2020 is the first day of the month.", "September 15, 2020 is halfway through the month.", "October 31, 2020 is Halloween.", "November 1, 2020 is the day after Halloween.", "December 15, 2020 is halfway through the month." ] } ], "fullPath": "/app/patterns/ap-dates.yaml" }, { "featured": true, "handle": "css-color", "title": "CSS Colors", "tags": [ "color", "css", "html" ], "variations": [ { "title": "Hex (standalone)", "regex": "^(#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3}))$", "inputs": [ "#f00", "#ff0000", "#0f0", "#00ff00", "#00f", "#0000ff", "#000", "#000000", "#fff", "#ffffff" ] }, { "title": "Hex (inline)", "regex": "\\b(#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3}))\\b", "inputs": [ "My favorite color is #f00!" ] } ], "fullPath": "/app/patterns/color.yaml" }, { "featured": true, "handle": "iso8601-date", "title": "ISO 8601 Date Format", "tags": [ "dates" ], "todo": "Handle millis, missing separators, etc.", "variations": [ { "title": "ISO 8601 Complete", "description": "from the [Intervals Blog](https://www.myintervals.com/blog/iso-8601-date-validation/)", "regex": "^([\\+-]?\\d{4}(?!\\d{2}\\b))((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])(\\3([12]\\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\\d|[12]\\d{2}|3([0-5]\\d|6[1-6])))([T\\s]((([01]\\d|2[0-3])((:?)[0-5]\\d)?|24\\:?00)([\\.,]\\d+(?!:))?)?(\\17[0-5]\\d([\\.,]\\d+)?)?([zZ]|([\\+-])([01]\\d|2[0-3]):?([0-5]\\d)?)?)?)?$", "inputs": [ "2009-12T12:34", "2009", "2009-05-19", "2009-05-19", "20090519", "2009123", "2009-05", "2009-123", "2009-222", "2009-001", "2009-W01-1", "2009-W51-1", "2009-W511", "2009-W33", "2009W511", "2009-05-19", "2009-05-19 00:00", "2009-05-19 14", "2009-05-19 14:31", "2009-05-19 14:39:22", "2009-05-19T14:39Z", "2009-W21-2", "2009-W21-2T01:22", "2009-139", "2009-05-19 14:39:22-06:00", "2009-05-19 14:39:22+0600", "2009-05-19 14:39:22-01", "20090621T0545Z", "2007-04-06T00:00", "2007-04-05T24:00", "2010-02-18T16:23:48.5", "2010-02-18T16:23:48,444", "2010-02-18T16:23:48,3-06:00", "2010-02-18T16:23.4", "2010-02-18T16:23,25", "2010-02-18T16:23.33+0600", "2010-02-18T16.23334444", "2010-02-18T16,2283", "2009-05-19 143922.500", "2009-05-19 1439,55" ] }, { "title": "ISO 8601 Date (standalone)", "regex": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$", "inputs": [ "2020-01-01", "2020-02-29", "2020-03-15", "2020-04-30", "2020-05-01", "2020-06-15", "2020-07-31", "2020-08-01", "2020-09-15", "2020-10-31", "2020-11-01", "2020-12-15" ] }, { "title": "ISO 8601 Date (inline)", "regex": "\\b\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}\\b", "inputs": [ "My birthday is on 2020-01-01.", "I was born on 1970-01-01.", "The Ides of March is on 2020-03-15.", "2020-04-30 is the last day of the month.", "2020-05-01 is the first day of the month.", "2020-06-15 is halfway through the month.", "2020-07-31 is the last day of the month.", "2020-08-01 is the first day of the month.", "2020-09-15 is halfway through the month.", "2020-10-31 is Halloween.", "2020-11-01 is the day after Halloween.", "2020-12-15 is halfway through the month." ] }, { "title": "ISO 8601 date+time (standalone)", "regex": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$", "inputs": [ "2020-01-01T00:00:00", "2020-02-29T12:34:56", "2020-03-15T23:59:59", "2020-04-30T01:23:45", "2020-05-01T12:34:56", "2020-06-15T23:59:59", "2020-07-31T01:23:45", "2020-08-01T12:34:56", "2020-09-15T23:59:59", "2020-10-31T01:23:45", "2020-11-01T12:34:56", "2020-12-15T23:59:59" ] }, { "title": "ISO 8601 simple date+time (inline)", "regex": "\\b\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\b", "inputs": [ "My birthday is on 2020-01-01T00:00:00.", "I was born on 1970-01-01T00:00:00.", "The Ides of March is on 2020-03-15T23:59:59.", "2020-04-30T01:23:45 is the last day of the month.", "2020-05-01T12:34:56 is the first day of the month.", "2020-06-15T23:59:59 is halfway through the month.", "2020-07-31T01:23:45 is the last day of the month.", "2020-08-01T12:34:56 is the first day of the month.", "2020-09-15T23:59:59 is halfway through the month.", "2020-10-31T01:23:45 is Halloween.", "2020-11-01T12:34:56 is the day after Halloween.", "2020-12-15T23:59:59 is halfway through the month." ] } ], "fullPath": "/app/patterns/iso8601-date.yaml" }, { "featured": true, "handle": "roman-numeral", "tags": [ "numbers" ], "title": "Roman Numerals", "inputs": [ "I", "i", "V", "v", "VI", "IV", "IX", "X", "XI", "XIV", "XIX", "XX" ], "variations": [ { "title": "Roman Numerals (standalone)", "regex": "^M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})$", "inputs": [ "I", "i", "V", "v", "VI", "IV", "IX", "X", "XI", "XIV", "XIX", "XX" ] }, { "title": "Roman Numerals (inline)", "regex": "\\bM{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})\\b", "inputs": [ "I", "i", "V", "v", "VI", "IV", "IX", "X", "XI", "XIV", "XIX", "XX" ] } ], "fullPath": "/app/patterns/roman-numeral.yaml" }, { "detail": "Postal codes (aka ZIP codes) in the United States consist of 5 digits with an optional 4 digit suffix.\n\n[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_Code)\n", "featured": true, "handle": "zip-code", "title": "Zip (aka Postal) Codes in the United States", "tags": [ "postal-code", "united-states", "us" ], "variations": [ { "title": "US Zip Code (standalone)", "regex": "^((\\d{5})(-\\d{4})?)$", "replacement": "zip code is \"\\1\"", "inputs": [ "12345", "12345-6789" ] }, { "title": "US Zip Code (inline)", "regex": "\\b((\\d{5})(-\\d{4})?)\\b" } ], "fullPath": "/app/patterns/zip-code.yaml" } ]