LLMs and regular expressions(johndcook.com) | ai |
Regex Night(gitlab.com/agateau) | syntax highlighter |
Ultimate Guide to Validating Emails with Regex(abstractapi.com) | emailpatterns |
Negative Lookahead Assertion(susam.net) | features |
Regular Expression Tools(tiny-helpers.dev) | links |
rxxr2(github.com/superhuman) | redos |
Debuggex: Online visual regex tester for JavaScript, Python, and PCRE.(debuggex.com) | javascriptpcrepythontesting |
Regulex:JavaScript Regular Expression Visualizer(jex.im) | diagramming |
Regex Vis(regex-vis.com) | diagramming |
Regexplained(regexplained.co.uk) | diagramming |
RegExp playground(regexplained.com) | testing |
ISO 8601 Date Validation That Doesn’t Suck(myintervals.com) | datespatterns |
PHP: Possible modifiers in regex patterns - Manual(php.net) | php |
Regexploit: DoS-able Regular Expressions(blog.doyensec.com) | redostesting |
Implementing Regular Expressions in TypeScript Types (Badly)(skalt.github.io) | fun |
re2 - npm(npmjs.com) | enginesjavascript |
ignore(npmjs.com) | gitignore |
Regex for ANSI Escape Sequences(github.com/chalk) | ansipatterns |
safe-regex2(npmjs.com) | redos |
Bash Regex(ysap.sh) | bash |
check-email-valid(github.com/jonsherrard) | emailpatterns |
Regexp pre-processing(yurichev.com) | performance |
Regex - Swift Standard Library(developer.apple.com) | enginesswift |
$regex - MongoDB Manual(mongodb.com) | enginesmongodb |
Securelog Scan detectors(github.com/Onboardbase) | patternssecrets |
Regular Expression Patterns(breakingpar.com) | patterns |
Simplifying Regular Expression Using Python(amazon.com) | bookspython |
Common and Extended Log Format (archived from effbot.org)(pinboard.in) | patterns |
Regfuzz - fuzz testing regular expression engines(code.google.com) | engine testing |
Where can I find unit tests for regular expressions in multiple languages?(stackoverflow.com) | engine testing |
Regex Storm: .NET Regex Tester(regexstorm.net) | dotnettesting |
Regular Expressions - Wikibooks(en.wikibooks.org) | booksintro |
A regular expression to match all emoji-only symbols(github.com/slevithan) | emojipatterns |
math-with-regexps(github.com/fxn) | fun |
Comment your regular expressions(thoughtbot.com) | best practices |
Regular expressions cookbook by Jan Goyvaerts: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming(archive.org) | bookspatterns |
Regex DB(rgxdb.com) | patterns |
Giving C++ std::regex a C makeover(nullprogram.com) | cengines |
5 Tips for Using Regular Expressions in Data Cleaning - KDnuggets(kdnuggets.com) | intro |
Go wild: Wildcard support in Rules and a new open-source wildcard crate(blog.cloudflare.com) | non regex matching |
Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript(smashingmagazine.com) | news |
Patterns used in iterm2's smart selections(gitlab.com/gnachman) | patterns |
ICU Regular Expressions Documentation(unicode-org.github.io) | engines |
Regular expression to match DNS hostname or IP Address?(stackoverflow.com) | patterns |
Regular Expressions in MySQL(blogs.oracle.com) | intromysql |
New reference pages on MDN for JavaScript regular expressions(developer.mozilla.org) | news |
Highlighter for JavaScript regex syntax(github.com/slevithan) | javascripttodo |
Needle: A DFA Based Regex Library that Compiles to JVM ByteCode(justinblank.com) | enginesjava |
The dangers of single line regular expressions | Greg Molnar(greg.molnar.io) | security |
AI Powered Text to Regex(rgx.tools) | builder |
Wrangling data with Regular Expressions(github.com/utdata) | tutorial |
Regex in Elm(package.elm-lang.org) | elmengines |
Regular expression to match SWIFT-BIC codes(johndcook.com) | patterns |
Ragel State Machine Compiler(colm.net) | advancedcc++engines |