PRegEx: Regular Expressions in Plain English in Python( | regex |
The Typing of the RegEX( | regex |
Awesome Resources: Regular Expressions( | links |
Regular expression to match ICD-11 codes( | patterns |
GitHub - rurban/tiny-matcher: Dynamic (no compilation), bounded recursive.( | regex |
Rob Pike's simple C regex matcher in Go( | regexregextodo |
GitHub - manoss96/pregex: PRegEx - Programmable Regular Expressions( | regex |
GitHub - danielroe/magic-regexp: A compiled-away, type-safe, readable RegExp alternative( | regex |
Effortless conversions from English to RegEx with AI( | aigenerator |
Python 3.11: possessive quantifiers and atomic grouping added to re module( | regex |
redbean 2.0( | clangregextodo |
redbean 2.0 release notes( | clangregextodo |
Heroku-22 Stack | Heroku Dev Center( | regextodo |
Rulex – A new, portable, regular expression language | Hacker News( | regextodo |
Rulex( | regex |
Joy Framework( | lispregextodo |
Oxygen.jl: A breath of fresh air for programming web apps in Julia - Julia Community( | juliaregextodo |
Arsen6331/pcre: Pure-Go PCRE2 port - pcre - Gitea: Git with a cup of tea( | golangregexregextodo |
dlclark/regexp2: A full-featured regex engine in pure Go based on the .NET engine( | regex |
The unreasonable effectiveness of f-strings and re.VERBOSE - death and gravity( | regex |
A Quick Guide to Regular Expressions in Java( | regex |
Regexes are Cool and Good • Buttondown( | regex |
Regular expressions and successive approximation( | regex |
Genie Framework - Highly Productive Web Development with Julia( | juliaregextodo |
Convert English to Regex in Google Sheets with GPT3( | regex |
A JS library for building regular expressions in (almost) natural language |> Changelog( | regex |
GitHub - pkulchenko/fullmoon: Fast and minimalistic Redbean-based Lua web framework in one file.( | luaregextodo |
Alternative Regex Syntax · oilshell/oil Wiki · GitHub( | regex |
grep Flags – The Good Stuff – zwischenzugs( | regex |
VectorCamp/vectorscan: A portable fork of the high-performance regular expression matching library( | regexregextodo |
gitleaks/gitleaks.toml at master · zricethezav/gitleaks( | regexregextodo |
Ruby's Email Address Regexp - Hacker News( | emailregex |