Links Archive for 2021

commonregex/commonregex.go at master · mingrammer/commonregex(
mingrammer/commonregex: 🍫 A collection of common regular expressions for Go(
Extracting and Substituting Text with Regular Expressions in PostgreSQL(
Regex Learn - Step by step, from zero to advanced.(
Announcing .NET 6 - The Fastest .NET Yet - .NET Blog(
GitHub - sindresorhus/semver-regex: Regular expression for matching semver versions(
Unicode Regular Expressions v21 Released – Unicode(
In search of the perfect URL validation regex (2010) | Hacker News(
tiehuis/zig-regex: A regex implementation for the zig programming language(
Google Sheets REGEX Formulas - How They Work and Example Uses(
Fun with regular expressions and verification using CBMC: part IV(
Fun with regular expressions: part III(
Fun with regular expressions: part II(
Fun with regular expressions: part I(
Email Validation with JavaScript(
axum/examples at main · tokio-rs/axum · GitHub(
The Regular Expression Edition - by Guest Contributor - Why is this interesting?(
The Best Regex Trick(
GitHub - hexops/zorex: Zorex: the omnipotent regex engine(
The Book of Secret Knowledge: Encoders/Decoders and Regex testing(
Starting a Phoenix project with Docker by Peter Hastie(
Underjord | Onboarding to Elixir(
Regular Expression Match Groups(
GitHub - vapor/vapor: 💧 A server-side Swift web framework.(
GitHub - katef/libfsm: DFA regular expression library & friends(
pyWhat/regex.json at main · bee-san/pyWhat(
Wapp: Wapp - A Web-Application Framework for TCL(
Finding CSV files that start with a BOM using ripgrep | Simon Willison’s TILs(
Let’s Build a Regex Engine |
Extreme HTTP Performance Tuning: 1.2M API req/s on a 4 vCPU EC2 Instance |
Using Hyperscan to boost regular expression performance(
Solving the Regex of Madness - and a few thought about snarky answers on StackOverflow(
Some useful regular expressions for programmers – Daniel Lemire's blog(
re2c — re2c 2.1.1 documentation(
A regular expression pattern for Java/JavaScript to match all emoji in the emoji-test.txt file provided by UTS#51.(
Python triple quoted strings & multiline regular expressions(
A JavaScript-compatible regular expression pattern to match all RGI emoji symbols and sequences as per the Unicode Standard and UTS#51.(
Go Regular Expressions(
Super Expressive - a zero-dependency JavaScript library for building regular expressions in (almost) natural language(
Super-expressive – Write regex in natural language | Hacker News(
An additional non-backtracking RegExp engine · V8(
Kubernetes Pondering - Christine Dodrill(