pampy/ at master · santinic/pampy( | pythonregex | Regular Expression Crossword Puzzle( | regex |
Catastrophic Backtracking—Exponential Matches—ReDos( | regex |
rex( | regex |
Derivatives of Regular Expressions (2007) | Hacker News( | regex |
Derivatives of Regular Expressions | Lambda the Ultimate( | regex |
TRE: A Regex Engine with Approximate Matching - Ducktape’s blog( | regex |
Easy Dynamic Regular Expressions with Tagged Template Literals and Proxies | Lea Verou( | regex |
Regex that only matches itself - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange( | regex |
Java regex tester( | regexalt |
tomorrowkey/RegularExpressionTester: Testing Java Regular Expression on Web sites.( | regexalt |
Dr. Regex: How to match "A B C" where A+B=C: The Beast Reborn( | regex |
CppCon 2018: Hana Dusíková “Compile Time Regular Expressions” - programming( | regex |
Rosie Pattern Language( | enginesnon regex matching |
govalidator/patterns.go at master · asaskevich/govalidator( | regex |
A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard.( | emojipatterns |
No Magic: Regular Expressions, Part 3( | regex |
No Magic: Regular Expressions, Part 2( | regex |
No Magic: Regular Expressions( | regex |
HTML5Pattern is a source of common regexes for <input pattern="">( | regextodo |
shinnn/github-username-regex: A regular expression that only matches a currently valid Github username( | regexregextodo |
The Best of Fluent: /Reg(exp){2}lained/: Demystifying Regular Expressions - O'Reilly Media Free, Live Events( | regextowatch |
Chomsky hierarchy - Wikipedia( | regex |
The Perl Journal One Liners - The Perl Journal, Spring 1999( | regex |
substack/safe-regex: detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressions( | regex |
Using Regex for Text Manipulation in Python( | regex |
build-your-own-x/ at master · danistefanovic/build-your-own-x( | regex |
Regex Dictionary by Lou Hevly( | regexwordlist |
arnoldrobbins/mcilroy-regex: Doug McIlroy's C++ regular expression matching library( | regex |
Beyond Regular Expressions: An Introduction to Parsing Context Free Grammars( | regex |
Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index( | regex |
Regular Expression Matching in the Wild( | regex |
Regular Expression Matching: the Virtual Machine Approach( | regex |
The GNU Awk User’s Guide: Ranges and Locales( | regex |
micromatch: Highly optimized wildcard and glob matching library( | javascriptnon regex matching |
rust-lang/regex: An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.( | regextodorust |
Regex Cheatsheet( | regextodo |
Regular expressions: how do they work?( | regex |
kevva/url-regex: Regular expression for matching URLs( | regex |
Using Regular Expressions to Find Cthulhu 🐙( | regex |
UTS #18: Unicode Regular Expressions( | regexunicode |
No Magic: Regular Expressions, Part 3( | regex |
No Magic: Regular Expressions, Part 2( | regex |
No Magic: Regular Expressions( | regex |
How Regexes Work( | regex |
Build a Regex Engine in Less than 40 Lines of Code › Nick Drane( | regex |
Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast( | regex | – My most useful RegExp trick( | regex |
dhellmann/presentation-regexes-fear: Presentation: Regular Expressions Are Nothing to Fear( | regex |
So you think you can validate email addresses A journey down RFC5321 - YouTube( | regex |
Parsing: a timeline -- V3.0( | regex |
Exploring the Linguistics Behind Regular Expressions( | regextoread |
lukakerr/regxr: A minimal, beautiful, lightweight MacOS desktop application to check for regular expression pattern matches( | regexalt | | regex |
Python Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet( | regex |
lookaheads (and lookbehinds) in JavaScript regular expressions( | regex |
Regexp Syntax Summary( | regex |
Lookahead and Lookbehind Tutorial—Tips &Tricks( | regex |
Exploring the Linguistics Behind Regular Expressions( | regex |
Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast( | regex |
jaywcjlove/awesome-mac: This repo is a collection of awesome Mac applications and tools for developers and designers.( | regexalt |
GitHub - javallone/regexper-static: Regular Expression Visualization Site (static site version)( | regexalt |
ECMAScript regular expressions are getting better! · Mathias Bynens( | javascriptregex |
ES2018: RegExp named capture groups( | regex |
ES2018: RegExp Unicode property escapes( | regex |
ES2018: RegExp lookbehind assertions( | regex |
ES2018: `s` (`dotAll`) flag for regular expressions( | regex |
Regexper( | regex |
free-programming-books/ at master · EbookFoundation/free-programming-books( | regex |
hosseinmousavi/Regex.Persian.Language: Collection of Regex for validating, filtering, sanitizing and finding Persian strings( | regex |
Ftfy – fix Unicode that's broken in various ways | Hacker News( | regex |
chalk/ansi-regex: Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes( | regex |