Links Archive for 2017

Python – Regular Expressions Practical Guide – Developers Area(
Python – Regular Expressions Practical Guide – Developers Area(
Comparison of regular expression engines - Wikipedia(
An introduction to regular expressions - O'Reilly Media(
Dr. Regex: Match Nested Brackets with Regex: A new approach(
GitHub - mndrix/regex: Regular expressions for Prolog(
Regex was taking 5 days to run. So I built a tool that did it in 15 minutes.(
Build a Regex Engine in Less than 40 Lines of Code › Nick Drane(
Regular Expressions for Data Scientists(
Introduction to Regular Expressions in Python(
Structural Regular Expressions(
AWS WAF Now Supports Regular Expressions (Regex)(
code golf - Regex that only matches itself - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange(
sindresorhus/matcher: Simple wildcard matching(
sindresorhus/globby: User-friendly glob matching(
eriknyquist/librxvm: non-backtracking NFA-based regular expression library, for C and Python(
Regexly | Chipto(
opennota/re2dfa: Transform regular expressions into finite state machines and output Go source code(
dveselov/python-pire: Python interface to PIRE(
Regular Expressions and Grouping Sets(
V8 JavaScript Engine: Upcoming RegExp Features(
Language Tags: Addison Phillips Java regexp for language tags(
GitHub - zeeshanu/learn-regex: Learn regex the easy way(
Regular Expressions Primer and Resource - Advanced Text Searching(
GitHub - iogf/crocs: Write regex using pure python class/function syntax and test it better. (Regex for humans).(
MIT Mystery Hunt Puzzle Index: Puzzle Data(
BBC Radio 4 - Today - Puzzle for Today(
Replacing a Complex Regular Expression with a Simple Parser(
FuzzyFinder - in 10 lines of Python - Brain Spill(
Kodos - The Python Regex Debugger(
Pythex: a Python regular expression editor(
re — Regular Expressions — PyMOTW 3(
OWASP Validation Regex Repository - OWASP(
Regex Set Scanning with Hyperscan and RE2::Set |
Java 101: Regular expressions in Java, Part 1 | JavaWorld(
Reparse — Reparse 3.0 documentation(
I Knew How To Validate An Email Address Until I Read The RFC | You’ve Been Haacked(
wregex - How Regular Expression Engines Work(
Update: Version 0.0.7 | Didier Stevens(
The New ‘Absent Operator’ in Ruby’s Regular Expressions – Ruby Inside – Medium(
Converting glob patterns to efficient regexes in Perl and JavaScript | mauke [](
Java Standard Library — Scala Native 0.1 documentation(
research!rsc: Glob Matching Can Be Simple And Fast Too(
Beyond Regular Expressions - Lex and Yacc(
Fuzzing is magic - Or how I found a panic in Rust's regex library(
A comparison of regex engines – Rust Leipzig(
#12818 (regex: badly needs fuzzing) – Boost C++ Libraries(
V8 JavaScript Engine: Speeding up V8 Regular Expressions(
Let’s Stop Ascribing Meaning to Code Points | Hacker News(
GitHub - laurikari/tre: The approximate regex matching library and agrep command line tool.(