RegEx Face Off( | regex |
lk-geimfari/expynent: A library that provides regex patterns. If you hate to write regular expressions, then expynent can help you.( | regex |
RunKit + npm: regexgen( | regex |
Yesterdays Regex — Geek&Poke( | regex | | fortranregextodo |
Regular Expressions for Google Analytics - Regular-Expressions-Google-Analytics.pdf( | regex |
Runaway Regular Expressions: Catastrophic Backtracking( | regex |
ripgrep code review( | regexrust |
Adventures in the land of substrings and RegExps.( | regex |
Regex Hub - Useful Regex Patterns( | regextodo |
RegexOne - Learn Regular Expressions - Lesson 1: An Introduction, and the ABCs( | regex |
Visualizing Regular Expressions: – Medium( | regex |
Regex 101 | Hacker News( | regex |
Big Performance Improvement for std.regex – The D Blog( | dlangregex |
Regex that only matches itself - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange( | regex |
Unicode property escapes in JavaScript regular expressions · Mathias Bynens( | regextonewsunicode |
r/programming - regex101( | regexalt |
Recursive Regular Expression( | regex |
RE Fiddle( | regexalt |
rust-lang-nursery/regex: An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.( | regexrusttodo |
ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift} - Andrew Gallant's Blog( | grepmovenregexrust |
Demystifying The Regular Expression That Checks If A Number Is Prime – G'd Up Code( | regex |
The 100% correct way to validate email addresses( | regex |
SRL - Simple Regex Language( | regex |
Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.( | regex |
why GNU grep is fast( | regex |
s4ke/moar: Deterministic Regular Expressions with Backreferences( | regex |
Maniagnosis - A deep dive into regular expression derivatives for lexical analysis( | regex |
Ann: Typed regular expressions | Drup's thingies( | regex |
Regular expression to match line that doesn't contain a word? - Stack Overflow( | regex |
Validating Email Addresses with a Regex? Do yourself a favor and don’t – /dev/random( | regex |
Apocalypse 5: Pattern Matching( | regex |
kkos/oniguruma: regular expression library( | regex |
Boost.Regex 5.1.1 - 1.61.0( | regex |
A Regular Expression Matcher (2007) | Hacker News( | regex |
moovweb/rubex: Super Fast Regex in Go( | golangregex |
Stack Overflow Outage Postmortem | Hacker News( | regex |
Stack Exchange Network Status — Outage Postmortem - July 20, 2016( | regex |
Fast, Elegant Regexes in Haskell( | haskellregex |
Making sense of regular expressions( | regex |
path-to-regexp( | regextodo |
Regulex:JavaScript Regular Expression Visualizer.( | regexalt |
Eigenstate :: Implementing A Simple Regex Debugger( | regex |
languagengine - Blog - Regex Edit Distance( | regex |
Regular expressions you can read: A new visual syntax (and UI) — Medium( | regex |
BurntSushi/rure-go: Go bindings to Rust's regex engine.( | regextodo |
Debuggex: Online visual regex tester. JavaScript, Python, and PCRE.( | regex |
regex - How to make perl regexes matches ASCII and Unicode - Stack Overflow( | regex |
EReg - Haxe API( | haxeregextodo |
Practice Makes Regexp - New regexp book from Reuven Lerner( | regex |
Elliot Chance - It's Impossible to Validate an Email Address( | emailpatterns |
Best Practices for Regular Expressions - Codacy | Blog( | regex |
Lwan Web Server( | clangfreeloaderregextodo |
mathiasbynens/regex-trie-cli - Create regular expression patterns based on a list of strings to be matched( | regex |
Hard code golf: Regex for divisibility by 7 - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange( | regex |
Puzzle | LinkedIn Engineering( | regex |
V8 JavaScript Engine: RegExp lookbehind assertions( | javascriptregex |
Understanding the basics of Regular Expression( | regex |
[no title]( | regex |
kirbyfan64/rejit: A work-in-progress JIT-powered regex engine( | regex |
CaptainCrowbar/unicorn-lib: Unicode library for C++( | clangregexunicode |
String Parsing in SQL( | regex |
GitHub - akoumjian/datefinder: Find dates inside text using Python and get back datetime objects( | regex |
How I fixed Atom - davidvgalbraith( | regex |
alexflint/go-restructure: Match regular expressions into struct fields( | golangregex |
GuillaumeBadi/Verbal-Exprejon( | regex |
regex cheat sheet at DuckDuckGo( | regex |
Javarevisited: 10 examples of grep command in UNIX and Linux( | regex |
d10/regjsgen · GitHub( | regex |
jviereck/regjsparser · GitHub( | regex |
mathiasbynens/regenerate · GitHub( | regex |
mathiasbynens/regexpu-core · GitHub( | regex |
VerbalExpressions/JSVerbalExpressions( | javascriptregex |