Regex Crossword( | regex |
Gregable: Regular Expression Crossword Puzzle( | regex |
Email address validation and encodings( | regex |
Shell scripting notes – searching matching filenames and matching content | Kev's Development Toolbox( | regex |
Regular Expression Basics | BoTree Technologies( | regex |
RegExp class - dart:core library - Dart API( | dartlangregextodo |
Python's Hidden Regular Expression Gems | Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings( | pythonregex |
Abandon - Validate Facebook URLs & Twitter Usernames with PHP Regular Expression( | regex |
Siderite's Blog: Super Fast and Accurate string distance algorithm: Sift4( | regex |
the-emacs-problem - steveyegge2( | regex |
How We Match Regular Expressions | | regex |
LightboxTech/liblightgrep · GitHub( | regex |
Hyperscan | | regex |
Exact String Matching Algorithms | HackerEarth( | regex |
Introduction to regular expressions( | regex |
Working with Email Addresses in SQL - Mode Blog( | regex |
The Best Regex Trick( | regex |
Fast String Matching | JW Player( | regex |
Perl Regular Expression Matching is NP-Hard( | regex |
Converting regular expressions into nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs): An implementation in Java( | regex |
Pattern-matching regular expressions in Scheme using derivatives( | regex |
yandex/pire · GitHub( | regextodo |
A regular expression converter - hokein/Automata.js · GitHub( | regex |
fent/randexp.js @ GitHub( | regex |
Snobol Pattern Matching in Python( | regex |
Character Model for the World Wide Web: String Matching and Searching( | regextonews |
PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions( | regex |
Syntax extensions and regular expressions for Rust - Andrew Gallant's Blog( | regexrusttodo |
regex - Regular expression for unicode in java 7 - Stack Overflow( | regexunicode |
New regular expression features in ECMAScript 6( | javascriptregex |
Using wildcard matching in any programming language | RLV Blog( | regex |
Dennis Yurichev: 23-Jul-2015: Fuzzy string matching + simplest possible spellchecking + hunting for typos and misspellings in Wikipedia.( | regex | | regexzipcodes |
Automatic Generation of Text Extraction Patterns from Examples( | regex |
swift - NSRegularExpression regex replace Greek Unicode text - Stack Overflow( | regex |
This Week in D: June 28, 2015( | regex |
Ragel State Machine Compiler | Colm Networks( | regex |
Five Invaluable Techniques to Improve Regex Performance : programming( | regex |
Five Invaluable Techniques to Improve Regex Performance( | regex |
RohitK89/LogScraper · GitHub( | regex |
Xeger - More expressive regular expressions for JavaScript. Pronounced "zeeger"( | regex |
Regexes: The Bad, the Better, and the Best : programming( | regex |
Regexes: the Bad, the Better, and the Best( | regex |
Alternatives To Regular Expressions( | regex |
jonathantneal/regexp-escape · GitHub( | regex |
Implementing Regular Expressions( | regex |
RegExr, a website for interactive regex prototyping with syntax highlighting, now in v2 : programming( | regexalt |
Emojineering Part 2: Implementing Hashtag Emoji - Instagram Engineering( | emojiregextodotonews |
PatternMatcher | Android Developers( | regex |
Python regex tokenization of Unicode string not working as expected - Stack Overflow( | regex |
Unicode and Boost.Regex - 1.58.0( | regexunicode |
In search of the perfect URL validation regex( | regextodowork |
Is there a regular expression to detect a valid regular expression? - Stack Overflow( | regex |
google/re2j · GitHub( | regextodo |
neuront/python-reloon · GitHub( | regex |
is.js - micro check library( | javascriptregex |
Wrestling PCRE( | regex |
Understanding Regular Expressions 2: Groups and Captures( | regex |
Email Regex that works 99.99% | Hacker News( | regex |
Email Regex - Everything About Email Regular Expression!( | regex |
RegExp.prototype.unicode - JavaScript | MDN( | regex |
Regular Expressions in T-SQL - | regex |
Regular Expressions in T-SQL - Ken Henderson's WebLog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs( | regex |
SQL Server: Regular Expressions for Efficient SQL Querying( | regex |
mathiasbynens/regexpu · GitHub( | regexunicode |
Unicode Regular Expression Engines // Speaker Deck( | regextowatchunicode |
A JIT for grepping: jrep and rejit []( | regex |
“grep was a private command of mine for quite a while before i made it public.” -Ken Thompson — Medium( | regex |
Liniarc/regexProgram · GitHub( | regex |