Regex Golf - discussion on Hacker News( | regex |
Regex Golf - discussion on Reddit( | regex |
Regex Golf( | regex |
Hexpress by krainboltgreene( | regex |
andrewberls/regularity · GitHub( | regex |
CommonRegex - A collection of common regular expressions( | patternspython |
Rex @ rise4fun from Microsoft( | regex |
../re/ mm document( | regex |
man/man1/testregex.html man page( | regex |
SLRE: Super Light Regular Expression library( | clangregex |
Of running multiple regexp at once( | regex |
JSON parser as a single Perl Regex( | regex |
Parsing JSON with a single regex | brian d foy []( | regex |
Matt Swanson - How not to validate email addresses( | regex |
Meet RegExpBuilder: Verbal Expressions' rich, older cousin - The Changelog( | regex |
Official IETF regex for URLs( | regex |
thebinarysearchtree/RegExpBuilder - GitHub( | regex |
A Recursive Regular Expression for Matching Regular Expressions - Abrazolica( | regex |
Bitsets match regular expressions, compactly - Paul Khuong mostly on Lisp( | regex |
12 Resources For Mastering Regular Expressions( | regex |
Using Python's AST parser to create regular expressions from English( | regex |
noprompt/frak · GitHub( | regex |
Build Regex - A Simple RegEx GUI( | regex |
jehna/VerbalExpressions · GitHub( | regex |
Just released a major update for my site. What do you guys think? | Hacker News( | regex |
Love Rubular? Here are a few open source copycats to checkout. - The Changelog( | regex |
Regex Crossword( | regex |
046 Regex on Vimeo( | regex |
Parsley: A Pattern-Matching Language Based on OMeta and Python - github( | pythonregex |
Finite State Machines and Regular Expressions( | introtutorial |
GROK regex test page( | testing |
Standard GROK regex patterns( | regex |
Learn Regular Expressions - Pony Foo( | regex |
The true power of regular expressions( | regex |
Counting with Regular Expressions - Abrazolica( | regex |
Stop Validating Email Addresses With Your Complex Regex - | regex |
JavaScript Regular Expression Enlightenment - Tech.Pro( | regex |
Stop Avoiding Regular Expressions Damn It - | regex | | regextodo |
Brain Dump (english): Arithmetic with Regexps( | regex |
Why the hell am I building a product with a tiny market? - Debuggex( | regex |
Best of Fluent 2012: /Reg(exp){2}lained/: Demystifying Regular Expressions - YouTube( | regex |
An example driven guide to regular expressions | JoeJag :: Tech( | regex |
Python, Catastrophic Regular Expressions and the GIL( | regex |
Nested Regular Expressions explained | Linguistic forms( | regex |
Details of Regular Expression Behavior( | regex |
Bastards Book of Regular Expressions by Dan Nguyen [PDF/iPad/Kindle]( | regex |
HTML5 Pattern( | regex |
Stack-Ed. Stand on the shoulders of the Stack Overflow Giants.( | marketingregex |
REBEL - Kendall Frey's Website( | regex |
petere/pgpcre · GitHub( | regex |
java - Cancelling a long running regex match? - Stack Overflow( | regex |
Comparison of regular expression engines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia( | regex |
Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide | Hacker News( | regex |
print "Me" -- portable perspectives( | regex |
k-takata/Onigmo · GitHub( | regex |
Debuggex: A visual regular expression debugger( | regex |
Can You Do the Regular Expression Crossword? - Slashdot( | regex |
Security Briefs - Regular Expression Denial of Service Attacks and Defenses( | regex |
Collaborative Manuscript Transcription: Bending Regular Expressions to Express Uncertainty( | regex |
Regex Challenge - Week Twenty( | regex |
A regular expression crossword puzzle [pdf]( | regex |
Regex Challenge - Week Nineteen( | regex |
RegexOne - Learn regular expressions with interactive examples( | regex |
Regular expressions - Rosetta Code( | regextodo |
The 30 Minute Regex Tutorial - CodeProject( | regex |
I don't like Regex... - CodeProject( | regex |
Regex Challenge - Week Eighteen( | regex |
harthur/replace · GitHub( | regex |
AT&T Research regex(3) regression tests( | regextodo |
logentries/re2-java · GitHub( | javaregex |
Vim Regular Expressions 101( | regex |
Printable Regular Expressions Cheatsheet( | regex |
Validate an E-Mail Address with PHP, the Right Way | Linux Journal( | regex |
Oracle Regular Expressions( | regex |
Regex Challenge - Week Seventeen( | regex |
Microsoft Research Mobile - The GRETA Regular Expression Template Archive( | regex |
Boost C++ - References and Further Information - 1.52.0( | regex |
tweetregs/ at master · pkedrosky/tweetregs · GitHub( | regex |
Advanced Filters: Excel's Amazing Alternative To Regex( | regex |
regex-dna benchmark | Computer Language Benchmarks Game( | regextodo |
Regexper( | regexalt |
Home · gabriel-weaver/xutools Wiki · GitHub( | regex |
ArsalanBashir/RegexLove · GitHub( | regex |