
How to Use the REGEX Functions in Excel(
LLMs and regular expressions(
Regex Night( highlighter
Ultimate Guide to Validating Emails with Regex(
Negative Lookahead Assertion(
Regular Expression Tools(
Debuggex: Online visual regex tester for JavaScript, Python, and PCRE.(
Regulex:JavaScript Regular Expression Visualizer(
Regex Vis(
RegExp playground(
ISO 8601 Date Validation That Doesn’t Suck(
PHP: Possible modifiers in regex patterns - Manual(
Regexploit: DoS-able Regular Expressions(
Implementing Regular Expressions in TypeScript Types (Badly)(
re2 - npm(
Regex for ANSI Escape Sequences(
Bash Regex(
Regexp pre-processing(
Regex - Swift Standard Library(
$regex - MongoDB Manual(
Securelog Scan detectors(
Regular Expression Patterns(
Simplifying Regular Expression Using Python(
Common and Extended Log Format (archived from
Regfuzz - fuzz testing regular expression engines( testing
Where can I find unit tests for regular expressions in multiple languages?( testing
Regex Storm: .NET Regex Tester(
Regular Expressions - Wikibooks(
A regular expression to match all emoji-only symbols(
Comment your regular expressions( practices
Regular expressions cookbook by Jan Goyvaerts: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming(
Regex DB(
Giving C++ std::regex a C makeover(
5 Tips for Using Regular Expressions in Data Cleaning - KDnuggets(
Go wild: Wildcard support in Rules and a new open-source wildcard crate( regex matching
Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript(
Patterns used in iterm2's smart selections(
ICU Regular Expressions Documentation(
Regular expression to match DNS hostname or IP Address?(
Regular Expressions in MySQL(
New reference pages on MDN for JavaScript regular expressions(
Highlighter for JavaScript regex syntax(
Needle: A DFA Based Regex Library that Compiles to JVM ByteCode(
The dangers of single line regular expressions | Greg Molnar(
AI Powered Text to Regex(
Wrangling data with Regular Expressions(
Regex in Elm(
Regular expression to match SWIFT-BIC codes(
Ragel State Machine Compiler(
The Bastards Book of Regular Expressions(
The Cloudflare Regex Catastrophe(
The plural of regex is...(
Russ Cox's Thompson NFA C regex engine to Rust(
Deterministic finite automata (DFA) regex engine in Java(
Semantic Versioning Regex(
core-js: JavaScript polyfill for dotall and named captures(
Rust's regex_test crate( testing
Regex engine internals as a library(
The true power of regular expressions(
PRegEx: Regular Expressions in Plain English in Python(
The Typing of the RegEX(
Awesome Resources: Regular Expressions(
Regular expression to match ICD-11 codes(
GitHub - rurban/tiny-matcher: Dynamic (no compilation), bounded recursive.(
Rob Pike's simple C regex matcher in Go(
GitHub - manoss96/pregex: PRegEx - Programmable Regular Expressions(
GitHub - danielroe/magic-regexp: A compiled-away, type-safe, readable RegExp alternative(
Effortless conversions from English to RegEx with AI(
Python 3.11: possessive quantifiers and atomic grouping added to re module(
redbean 2.0(
redbean 2.0 release notes(
Heroku-22 Stack | Heroku Dev Center(
Rulex – A new, portable, regular expression language | Hacker News(
Joy Framework(
Oxygen.jl: A breath of fresh air for programming web apps in Julia - Julia Community(
Arsen6331/pcre: Pure-Go PCRE2 port - pcre - Gitea: Git with a cup of tea(
dlclark/regexp2: A full-featured regex engine in pure Go based on the .NET engine(
The unreasonable effectiveness of f‍-‍strings and re.VERBOSE - death and gravity(
A Quick Guide to Regular Expressions in Java(
Regexes are Cool and Good • Buttondown(
Regular expressions and successive approximation(
Genie Framework - Highly Productive Web Development with Julia(
Convert English to Regex in Google Sheets with GPT3(
A JS library for building regular expressions in (almost) natural language |> Changelog(
GitHub - pkulchenko/fullmoon: Fast and minimalistic Redbean-based Lua web framework in one file.(
Alternative Regex Syntax · oilshell/oil Wiki · GitHub(
grep Flags – The Good Stuff – zwischenzugs(
VectorCamp/vectorscan: A portable fork of the high-performance regular expression matching library(
gitleaks/gitleaks.toml at master · zricethezav/gitleaks(
Ruby's Email Address Regexp - Hacker News(
commonregex/commonregex.go at master · mingrammer/commonregex(
mingrammer/commonregex: 🍫 A collection of common regular expressions for Go(
Extracting and Substituting Text with Regular Expressions in PostgreSQL(